I love these details we get in letters like these, and here’s one big reason why:

Even Paul was unsure his plans and was redirected. He was unsure how he’d be received in Jerusalem and Judea. He had plans to go to Spain and HOPED to see the romans, but wasn’t sure what would happen. 

Often we wonder why God isn’t giving us the whole road map to what He’s called us to do in life. Or we’re confused why it feels like doors are shutting in places we wanted to go – and even with good intention.

But usually God doesn’t give us the full plan. He wants us to lean on Him step by step as we do what He’s called us to do.

Paul knew that God called him to preach the gospel and reach the Gentiles. And God would be with him every step of the way.

We too can know many things God calls us to – love, obey, use spiritual gifts, seek Him, etc. We may even know specific plans God has for us. And we can walk in these things in faith, seeking God for clearer direction in day to day or month to month or year to year decisions, trusting that He will guide as we follow Him.