Tying into yesterday and the day before – loving one another – here we see an even further step: if we know someone is struggling in an area, on top of not passing judgement we actually are called to not hinder them.

What does this mean practically? Maybe if someone is uncomfortable with drinking and we’re not, we don’t drink in front of them. If someone is convicted by secular music and we’re not, we don’t play that when they’re with us.

This is a radical love where we really put others before ourselves (honestly, what love is). And how often do we see the opposite in culture, where we think “if others don’t even VIBE with us, we cut them off. If people feel uncomfortable, well they don’t have to come. If something I do stumbles someone else, that’s on them.”

And here we see: “never put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.”